Fast firmware update
To update Rample:
- put the micro SD inside the SD adapter and insert it in your computer
- drag the "rample.bin" file into the micro SD card (do not change the file name)
- insert the SD card in Rample
- power on Rample while pressing/holding the encoder and wait a few seconds
- please verify the new version number (displayed in the SETTINGS > INFO menu)
- in case of any problems when running samples (glitches, latency, noisy sounds, save/load sample fail, ...) please read this FAQ entry.
Every bug reports & suggestions must be sent here:
rampleOS 2.00
Feb 15, 2024
Breaking changes
- Latency greatly improved
- Audio effects parameters can be modulated with a faster frequency
- No more audio clics (when playing a sample, when loading a kit, ...)
- Redesigned effect FREEZE: improved the granular algo to make the sound softer and more homogeneous
- Redesigned effect BITCRUSHER: greater range
- Chromatic notes quantizing (for pitch) is now more accurate
- Output levels now in dB instead of using linear volume (allowing a better dynamic when playing samples with a midi controller, where the velocity controls the volume of the sample)
- Parameters START POINT and LENGTH can be set to exponential (for allowing more precise fine-tuning when these parameters are around low values). It's now possible to get very short sample LENGTH to create faster/glitchier sounds (SETTINGS > SLICER > EXP must be enabled).
- CC98 = instant kit number selection
- New vu-meter: INPUTS (displays the cv inputs voltages on screen)
- when holding ASSIGN and selecting a kit to be loaded, this new kit will keep the FX parameters of the previous kit
- New setting SLICER = 1/128 (sample is divided into 128 equal parts, for START POINT and sample LENGTH quantizing)
- FX parameter hook issue when rotating fast a pot
- Assign CV input to sample LAYERS : more precise selection (and last layer now easier to select)
- Fixed crash when playing a 24-bit layer
- When receiving a new CC for changing params, holding a switch was making it momentary
- End of stereo file was sometime noisy
- Kit selected samples layers were lost after a SAVE SETTINGS
rampleOS 1.50
July 26, 2022
Bug fixes
- Playing long .wav files was looping the end of the playback in an infinite loop
- Voice can't be trigged if freeze has been enabled and loop mode = GATE ON
- CC99 was no longer a correct alternative to PC
- Vu-meter layers: blink playing layer was not working when only one layer was active
- Layers = cyclic, was always starting from layer 2 instead of layer 1
- Mute group was buggy when multiple sample where triggered closely
- Preview sample name when scrolling kits: now displays 'VOID' if no sample found in voice
- Layers = cyclic, can be now reset to layer 1 when double-pressing LISTEN, or receiving a STOP midi message
- A STOP midi message does not reset the layer if MANUAL is set
- Settings: VELOCITY and PITCHBEND options are now enable when leaving the selection (safe scroll)
- Improved low luminosity features on screen
- Improved CLASSIC and WAVED vu-meters
- Code optimization
- new vu-meter: TIMELINE (display the 4 samples playback % progression)
- new setting: FLIP ON/OFF (rotate the screen, useful if you want to flip your Rample in your case)
rampleOS 1.45
April 20, 2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed select first layer with MIDI note velocity issue
- Improved CV inputs when assigned
rampleOS 1.44
March 28, 2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed failing to save settings or store kit parameters
rampleOS 1.43
January 24, 2022
This release greatly increases stability. Upgrade is advised for all users.
- Fixed critical crash issue - module would become unresponsive
- Voices could become unresponsive when changing kits and using FREEZE
- Selected kit name could be unreadable after a fast scroll
rampleOS 1.42
December 16, 2021
Bug fixes
- fixed voice not re-trigged when gate turns on at the end of the sample
- fixed cv in (v/octave) instability
- fixed doubles notes when using midi in (note range / keyboard split)
- improved effect parameters resolution when using pots
- improved pots center position
- improved midi in (note range / keyboard split) chromatic pitch tuning
rampleOS 1.41
May 25, 2021
New features
- When a cv input is assigned to "v/octave", it's now possible to fine tune the voice pitch with the potentiometer (or with an other CV input assigned)
- fixed midi system messages could be misinterpreted
rampleOS 1.4
May 5, 2021
New features
- midi keyboard split + polyphony (play sample as chromatic notes or chords with voice-stealing)
- cv inputs pitch can be assigned in volt/octave (play samples as chromatic notes)
- new setting VUMETER = LAYER (display 4 horizontal lines, each line represent the layers of a voice)
- new setting VUMETER = EXPLOD (create an explosion animation, depending on the master volume)
- latency (time between trig and sample playback) improved
- freeze effect improved (longer sampled time)
- param auto-reset to default value when an assign is deleted (or modified)
- midi STOP message received now reset layers
- more accurate chromatic scale setting
- more accurate cv inputs (ADC conversion)
- more accurate vu-meter displays
- fixed freeze (after a dozen of minutes for some users)
- fixed midi system messages (song select, song position pointer, time code) not filtered
rampleOS 1.3
December 17, 2020
New features
- new setting "LAYER = manual, random, cyclic, r cyclic, velocity" : set the default loaded kit layer mode
- new setting "ASSIGN = kit / global" : set the CV inputs to be assigned per kit, or global assign
- midi chart: central value is now 63 or 64 (e.g. sending CC10=63 or CC10=64 will disable the pitch effect, CC10=0 set pitch to minimum, CC10 = 127 set pitch to maximum)
- setting "VELOCITY = LEVEL" : now only the LEVEL parameter is affected
- improved fade out anti-clic
- "ASSIGN = ALL samples" was not saved after a kit store
- Some midi messages were ignored (midi in)
rampleOS 1.22
September 30, 2020
Bug fixes
- Fix can't open new kit issue
- Fix autosave KIT not working when nothing saved/stored before
- Fix FX attack/decay not working with stereo samples
- Fix effect FREEZE (amount was not possible to change after end of sample playback)
rampleOS 1.21
September 23, 2020
Bug fixes
- NO KIT display is working again
- AUTOSAVE=OFF was not saved after SAVE SETTINGS
- Manual selected layer was not loaded correctly
- Fix FREEZE when booting while receiving midi
- Fix FREEZE when receiving huge midi data load during a save/load
- Next/previous kit with CC was broken
rampleOS 1.2
August 12, 2020
New features
- STEREO SUPPORT: 16bit 44.1kHz sereo WAV files are now supported. Please refer to the manual to create stereo-compatible kits.
- Layer playback mode (manual, random, cyclic, ...) is now per voice
- Envelopes (attack and decay) are now exponential shaped, for a more natural and musical sound.
- Autosave current kit: Rample will load the last kit you used on start-up.
- New quantize slicer values: now you can now choose between Free, /8, /16, /32, /64, /12, /24, /48
- Circular scrolling kits: Scroll past Z99 and end up back at A0, and vice-versa.
- New advanced parameters display: 2 dots instead of 3, for clarity.
- MIDI CC60 = select layer mode all voices, CC61 = layer mode voice 1, ..., CC64 = layer mode voice 4
- MIDI CC70 = randomize all voices, CC71 = randomize voice 1, ..., CC74 = randomize voice 4
- MIDI CC80 = reset all voices, CC81 = reset voice 1, ..., CC84 = reset voice 4
- FILTER and LEVELS glitch: first few milliseconds of sample were not being processed
- Fix manual layer bug leading to freeze
- Fix LAYER CCx9 wasn't working
- Changing kit with program change did not display the right kit
- SAVE SETTINGS was sometimes very long
- CV IN 0>5V range was wrong
- PC and Bank Select (MSB) CC#0 are switched: PC now selects the KIT BANK and Bank Select now selects the KIT NUMBER
- Improved SAVE/STORE
rampleOS 1.1
June 17, 2020
New features
- new layers mode: press assign then press â‘ â‘¡ â‘¢ or â‘£ to enter the layers mode: the screen displays the running layer of the voice. If setting LAYERS = MANUAL, you can select the layer will the encoder, and the layer will change at next trig (press the encoder for instant select & listen).
- MomentaryFx : when holding â‘ â‘¡ â‘¢ or â‘£ while playing with an effect parameter knob, the effect will be set back to its original value after releasing â‘ â‘¡ â‘¢ or â‘£.
- MomentaryFx : when holding â‘ â‘¡ â‘¢ or â‘£ while playing with the main encoder, voices effect parameters will be set back to their original value after releasing â‘ â‘¡ â‘¢ or â‘£ (pressing the encoder apply the momentary parameters).
- double press LISTEN to stop all samples
- when selecting a kit, pressing â‘ â‘¡ â‘¢ or â‘£ will display the name of the sample on the screen.
- new assign parameter: TRIG FREEZE (TF) in order to control enable/disable the freeze effect, independently of the freeze "amount" (the freeze amount must be different from 0 to hear it)
- new visual feedback when creating mute groups
- midi input: midi messages AllSoundOff, AllNotesOff and ResetAllParameters are now considered
- midi input: CCx9 to select sample layer
- midi input: now you can use CC99 instead of Program Change
- the selected samples layers are now saved with STORE KIT
- new setting ANTICLIC (now you can disable it to get the best out of your clicky sounds)
- new setting VUMETERS (disable it, or change the way the sound is displayed)
- audio crackles during start & end of playback fixed
- SD read/write issues fixed (do not corrupt the files any more)
- filter effect: amount is now smoothed to avoid notches
- now all types of .wav files are compatible
- save settings was reseting samples run modes
- now the ENV parameters (attack and decay) goes from 0% to 100% of the sound)
- beginning of sample was not processed by the filter effect
- setting CV IN = 0V +5V was not working well
- setting PITCH = CHROMATIC is now calibrated
- audio signal was reversed (impractical when using your output as CV, DC-coupled waveforms)
rampleOS 1.0
27 January 2020
First version distributed with the batch #01, beta-tested.